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   To promote, protect and advocate for historic resources in Forsyth County.

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Welcome! We are glad you visiting our webpage. We communicate about events and other activities here and on social media. This page gives you quick access to both.

We are actively working on numerous areas and we would be happy to have your support, either through financial support or as a volunteer.

Some of our current projects are

  • National Register nomination for Bethania Freedman neighborhood (we are raising funds to pay consultants)
  • a Modernist house tour in March 2025
  • Working with Ardmore Neighborhood Association on a solution for saving historic Ardmore homes from demolition by the hospital
  • We are also always working on identifying and working with owners to establish preservation easements on historic buildings
  • Technical workshops on graveyard preservation and historic wood windows so stay tuned!

We have a goal to host a monthly activity that helps promote a historic building, so keep an eye on the upcoming events below. If you have a suggestion let us know.  Some events are exclusive to members or members get first chance to register so consider joining which also helps as a financial supporter. Our Facebook page also has weekly postings to help talk about historic preservation and architectural terminology.

If you have any suggestions please email or ask on our Facebook page.

Upcoming events

    • 22 Feb 2025
    • 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
    • 102 East Dalton Road, King, NC 27021
    • 38

    Preservation Forsyth is excited to offer its first event of the year! Come join us at The Dalton Bar and Grill on Saturday, February 22, from 10:00-11:00 a.m. Housed in the former Bank of King (constructed c. 1914), the building features “the most elaborate corbelling” in King. Ethan Miller, co-owner of The Dalton, will share the history of the building and afterward attendees can enjoy a meal or explore other downtown businesses (on your own). The cost is $30.00 for members and $40.00 for non-members (fee includes one non-alcoholic beverage). Space is limited, so register soon!

    Although a meal is not included in the fee, please let us know on the registration form whether or not you plan to eat lunch at The Dalton so we can provide our host with a head count.

    Learn more about The Dalton Bar and Grill at -

    Image courtesy of The Dalton Bar and Grill 

Follow our social media, we are active on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and have our own YouTube channel:

We also have a YouTube Channel that has informational videos and tours. Check it out.

PRESERVATION FORSYTH   |   226 S Liberty St   |   Winston-Salem, NC 27101   |

Preservation Partners

We are proud  to partner with businesses that have a track record of providing services that directly benefit historic property owners

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