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   To promote, protect and advocate for historic resources in Forsyth County.

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Nominations Open for Community Preservation Awards

We are accepting nominations for Preservation Awards for activity in the last 3 years. There are two categories, residential and commercial.

Nominations will also be considered for groups or individuals for outstanding commitment to preservation in Forsyth Count.

Nominations should be emailed to by midnight October 6, 2023.  Anything received later will be held until the next year.

The nomination should have:

  • Name of property and address
  • at least 3 pictures of the project (before and after are most helpful)
  • whether the property listed as a local landmark or on the National Register? (not required for consideration but useful)
  • a brief description of project that explains why the project was undertaken and how the historic integrity was maintained
  • rehabilitation tax credit application or certificate of appropriateness can be included to help understand the scope of the project
  • contact information for the nominator and/or owner(s).

Nominees notified by October 28 and given free attendance to event. The winners will be announced at the event on November 12, 2023.

Click here to download nomination.

PRESERVATION FORSYTH   |   500 S Church St, Suite 103   |   Winston-Salem, NC 27101   |

Preservation Partners

We are proud  to partner with businesses that have a track record of providing services that directly benefit historic property owners and have supported our activities.

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